Piano Detectives Club
60-minute weekly group class
10-minute private lesson during the class hour
The Piano Detectives Club is a special program for beginning students in kindergarten and first grade. The class meets for one hour each week, during which students discover the basics of music and piano through a variety of hands-on activities and games, as well as a 10-minute individual lesson. The program offers a fun and stimulating environment, while providing a solid foundation for reading, rhythm, and technical development. The primary goal of the private lesson is to instill good practice habits. Weekly assignments are age-appropriate and are designed to foster complete musicianship at the piano.
Classes begin in September, and enrollment is limited to six students.
Music Tree Classes
60-minute weekly group class
30-minute weekly individual lesson
Music Tree Classes are designed for elementary students ranging from ages 6-9. Classes meet for one hour each week, during which students learn new concepts and pieces together. Class activities include developing fluent music-reading, reinforcing rhythm concepts, building a solid technical foundation, learning effective practice strategies, and developing poise and confidence in performance. The Music Tree method, created by the founders of The New School, provides the core curriculum.
On a separate day of the week, students attend a 30-minute follow-up private lesson. This time is devoted to reviewing and practicing the pieces introduced in class, and allows for more in-depth work on individual technique, musicianship, and expression.
Classes begin in September, and enrollment is limited to eight students.

Repertoire Class Program
45-minute or 60-minute weekly individual lesson
60-minute repertoire class every alternate week
Students attend a 45-minute or 60-minute individual lesson each week. Lessons are devoted to studying a variety of repertoire, refining technical skills, and developing complete musicianship.
Repertoire Classes meet every alternate week for one hour, and students within each class are of similar age and ability level. The group setting provides students with regular performance experience, as they prepare a piece to play for each class. Students receive feedback from their class teacher and their peers, and develop critical listening skills through assessing the performances of their classmates. Other class activities may include composition projects, ensemble playing, rhythm games, reading reinforcement, or music theory and history study.
Class size is typically 8-10 students, and enrollment continues on a rolling basis throughout the school year until full.
JUNIOR PEPS (Program for Excellence in Piano Study)
45-minute or 60-minute weekly individual lesson
60-minute repertoire class every alternate week
The Junior PEPS Program follows the same structure as our typical Repertoire Class Program, but offers more intensive projects and theory work. Students also have the opportunity to perform in an extra recital at the end of June. The instructor is Ms. Kristin Cahill.
This program prepares students to enter the PEPS Program. Placement in the Junior PEPS Program is by teacher recommendation.
PEPS (Program for Excellence in Piano Study)
60-minute weekly individual lesson
60-minute repertoire class every alternate week
60-minute small-group sessions on a rotating basis
The PEPS program identifies and nurtures students whose musical and artistic abilities warrant an accelerated study plan. Each student has the opportunity to work with Dr. Charl Louw in repertoire class, Mr. Marvin Blickenstaff in small-group sessions, as well as their individual private teacher. The repertoire classes enrich students’ knowledge of music theory and music history while enhancing performance and critical listening skills. The PEPS Program offers intensive projects and theory work, additional performance opportunities including collaboration with vocalists and instrumentalists, as well as an extra recital at the end of June. Students in the PEPS program regularly participate in local and state festivals.
Placement in the PEPS Program is by audition only.