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Postgraduate Teaching Program​


The Postgraduate Teaching Program at The New School for Music Study is a highly competitive program. It provides intensive study in the art of effective piano teaching of all ages and levels of study. Each participant’s teaching is transformed through an in-depth practicum and immersion as a faculty member. Participants are personally mentored in piano teaching of pre-college and adult students. A legacy program of the school and The Frances Clark Center, the Postgraduate Teaching Program is based on the foundational philosophies of founding teachers Frances Clark and Louise Goss.


Accepted candidates must demonstrate an accomplished academic background in piano. They are expected to be active performers and hold a minimum of a Master’s degree. Candidates will have significant teaching experience at the pre-college level. Prior pedagogy study is not required, but an asset. Successful candidates may expect 15 hours of applied teaching per week and also participation in coursework, mentored teaching, guided observations, residency program, and performance opportunities by invitation.


The Postgraduate Teaching Program is a compensated teaching fellow program. A monthly stipend is provided.


Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will be due on April 15, 2025.

Click here to apply.


4543 Route 27 

Kingston, NJ 08528



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The New School for Music Study (NSMS) is a division of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization. NSMS provides instruction to over 300 piano students of all ages and levels, and is internationally recognized for comprehensive teacher education and professional development programs. The Frances Clark Center serves the advancement of piano teaching, learning, and performing through highest quality resources and programs, including: Piano Magazine, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, the New School for Music Study, Piano Education Press, and Online Teacher Education Programs.

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