Amy Lin was recently awarded the Royal Conservatory of Music Gold Medal award.
This award is given to the student who has the highest score in the country for each
level. Amy received the gold medal award for Level 10, the final level in the Royal
Conservatory of Music curriculum. She was presented with this award at the RCM
Celebration of Excellence at Carnegie Hall on January 14, 2024.
Amy has been the New School for Music Study student since she was five. Now, she is
a Junior at Princeton High School. She has been studying piano for eleven years and
enjoys composing music. She also performs music at various local senior centers.
Outside of playing piano, Amy loves math and science. She conducts scientific
research, builds mobile apps, and connects with her community through STEM
outreach activities. In the Celebration of Excellence Recital, she performed The Lark by
Amy’s teacher, Dr. Kairy Koshoeva, commented, “Amy was the last performer on the
program and she performed so beautifully, with virtuosity, artistry, and colors in her
sound. I was in tears at the joyful moment of being a proud teacher! Being a teacher is
hard work every day, but it is a blessing and a life-changing experience. I am forever
grateful and proud of my talented student, Amy!"